Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 2012

An all-volunteer art alliance of more than 100 members, founded in 2001. We are painters, sculptures and photographers, both professionals and non-professionals over the age of 50.
Hello, Time flies and hopefully, The meeting on January 14th, 2012 was held at the everybody! winter will soon be on its Davis Library, as has been the custom. The Welcome to way out. meeting was brought to order by our Co-Presidents, the first news Barry Perlis and Joseph Giacalone.
of the year.

Guest speaker Jodi Walsh
She is an artist who relocated to Washington, D.C. from Texas many years ago. Jodi’s talk was very informative, useful and full of ideas about the actual business of selling your art. The ideas were gleaned from her own program called the 12 Step Program for Artists: The Art of Doing Business, which is now available on DVD as well.
During the talk, there was a lively question and answer session. Some of the members, from the 55+ people at the meeting, put forth pertinent
questions and Jodi was more than happy to answer.
A few useful sites are listed below: (for assistance with personal websites) (our guest speaker for February)
A useful contact for all your photographic needs (highly recommended by Jodi) is Gregory Staley. His cell number is 301 706 3889 and his studio – 202 234 5310. A couple of other names mentioned were Collin Winterbottom and David Glick. Their information should be available on GOOGLE.
In closing, let me add that with such a wonderful beginning and with so much to look forward to this year, we should all be encouraged to believe that there will be a true Renaissance at the SAA.
Until next time, Vatsala Menon,
SAA Creative Team Writer
12 STEP Program for Artists: The Art of Doing Business
This program was designed to give artists the foundation in marketing, sales and project management that isneeded to become "revenue generating" artists.
STEP 1: Setting Standards
“The last thing one discovers in composing work is what to put first.” Blaise Pascal Setting standards for both your studio and your business isoften the last thing an artist thinks of and the one thing that affects their career the most. Setting businessstandards from the beginningdetermines how you will be treated inthe art community by clients, family, fellow artists and the markets you sellinto.
STEP 2: Mandatory Paper Work
“Too much complaining and too little work.” Georgia O’KeefeLearn whatpaper work is necessary to establish yourself as an artist entrepreneur. Once you start to look at yourself asan entrepreneur and a small businessowner things start to happen. Take the proper steps, do it once and do itright. CONTRACT REVIEW: a basiccontract is all you need but I doconsider it mandatory. Understandthe basic commission and gallery contracts.
STEP 3: Selecting a Look and Style
“Nobody can be exactly like me. EvenI have trouble doing it.” Tallulah Bankhead. Every creative person Iknow has their own look and style. Learn how to identify your style andhow to incorporate it in your marketing materials. Be recognizedby your style – without the use of words.
STEP 4: Marketing Materials: Creating Templates – Marketing
“I don’t want life to imitate art. I want life to be art.” Carrie Fisher Creatingtemplates is your window to freedom.Customize what you need andplease, please copy every template Ihave. You will be able to customize each template to suit your needs andyour look and style. Respondimmediately to requests for information on you and your artwork. Learn and understand the power of the postcards as a timelessmarketing tool.
STEP 5: Public Relations
“Always be nice to those younger than you, they are the ones who will be writing about you.” C ConnollyPublic Relations are exactly that, yourrelationship with the public. You communicate to galleries, artconsultants, jurors, etc through your portfolio and you communicate to thepress and potential clients through your marketing materials. You will learn a clear and concise method of communicating with everyone outside of your studio.
STEP 6: Networking andCompetition
Learn why we need to know andunderstand our competition. No one should tell you how to create your work but you need to be aware of what is happening around you. There are many different types of networking, from traditional artgroups to business organizations. Discover options that are right in front of you, learn to identifyopportunities. Both networking andunderstanding the competition will lead to sales.
STEP 7: Portfolios
“I don’t believe in art, I believe in artists.” Marcel DuchampCreating a portfolio is one of the mostimportant steps in presenting yourselfand your artwork. It is the firstimpression and speaks for you when you are not in the room. Learn three different types of portfolios you will need to succeed. As gallerydirector for many years I have seen everything, you have seconds tomake an impression. From the moment it arrives in the mail you need to set yourself apartand rise to the top.
STEP 8: Web Site and Mail Lists
Web Sites: Explore different types of web sites; evaluate the type of site that is best for you and realisticallywhat you should expect from a website. Understand how to grow as yoursales increase from one type of site toanother. Mail List: Mail lists and database lists are the unsung heroesof generating revenue. Learn where tofind them, how to use them and how to pick the correct list for your artwork. Your mail list is the foundation of your business.
STEP 9: Vertical Markets
“When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss art. When artistsget together for dinner, they discussmoney.” Oscar Wilde Vertical Market; a market that you sell into. You will learn how to sell into traditional and non-traditional art markets. Understand how to identify andselect specific vertical markets topromote your unique type of artwork. Once you learn how to identifythem the opportunities are endless. Having the correct pricing ispriceless; you need to get it right. Learn how to approach a gallery andhow to present your artwork to a jury.
STEP 10: Commissions
“I never got a job I didn’t create for myself.” Ruth GordonThe commission process should be enjoyable for the artist and the client. Review several contracts and why weneed them. Get it in writing. This isthe first step in a successful commission. One thing leads toanother, one commission leads to many. Learn what to do when it starts to go wrong.
STEP 11: Exhibit
“All art has this characteristic. It unites people.” Leo TolstoyIt doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your artistic career you will needto show your artwork to the public. You need to know your options andunderstand a few basic guide lines onpresenting your work. Timeline,
selection of work, presentation, promoting, hanging and lighting are just a few of the componentsin a successful show. Understand what galleries expect from their artists.
STEP 12: Follow Up and Momentum
“There are some days I think I amgoing to die from an overdose of satisfaction. ” Salvador Dali Follow up and follow your artwork whereverit goes. We all understand the traditional “Thank You” and understand its importance. Now it’s time to take it a step further andbe prepared for the momentum it creates. Creative, inexpensive marketingmaterials create momentum and future sales

************ Please call for an online or in person appointment.
Studio: 301-519-1628 Cell: 240-447-6071
The Senior Artists Alliance (SAA) is an all-volunteer alliance of more than 100 members founded in 2001.
We are painters, sculptors and photographers, professionals and non-professionals over the age of 50. Members frequently exhibit their work throughout the Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland area. Check local calendars and listings to follow the group’s diverse activities.  
All are welcome! VISIT OUR WEBSITE:
Senior Artists Alliance (SAA)
 January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012
SAA has openings in the following areas, please volunteer:
Officers Board of Directors Committee Chairperson or Co-Committee Chairperson I WOULD SERVE ON A COMMITTEE: Membership Newsletter Web
Art Exhibits Monthly Programs     Public Relations
Creative Team: Graphic Artists, Writer, Web Designer
Please print. Return this application with check.   Make payable to SAA.          DUES: $25.00                                                                    Mail To:
Senior Artists Alliance                9604 Windcroft WayPotomac, MD 20854-2864
My medium is: Painting Sculpture
Photography  Other______________________
Name: _______________________________________ How can you help the Senior Artists
                                                                                 Alliance achieve our goals?
Address: _____________________________________ ________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________ ________________________________________
Phone #: _____________________________________ ________________________________________

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